Leading the fight for equality in Johnson County, Kansas
Ensure black lives are a priority in all spaces.
We Need You In the Fight
General Membership Meetings
1st Saturday of Each Month
Shawnee Church of the Nazarene – 5539 Quivira Rd., Shawnee, KS

General Membership Meetings
1st Saturday of Each Month (Following Saturday if a Holiday)
March is Reading Awareness Education Month. We will have Bryan Voell of the Johnson County Libraries join us as our guest speaker. He will share with us information about on-line resources, GED classes, computer assistance resources, new books, and more.
Shawnee Church of the Nazarene
5539 Quivira Rd
March 1st at 12pm
Upcoming Events
I’m so glad projecT
Johnson County NAACP Presents I'm So Glad Project From its pre-Civil War roots to today, Kansas City's unique style of gospel music has influenced every other genre of American music. And it has sustained the people with its positive message, "I'm So Glad, Trouble...
NAACP National Election
To All Branch Members, 2024 NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION This year, an online election system (Election Buddy) will be used to tabulate votes. Ballot selections for each position will be determined by a majority vote of members in good standing present...
Voter Rights Network Lunch & Learn
This document is an informational tool for your community support on behalf of JCNAACP. If you’re a member of JCNAACP, we encourage you to attend one of the City Council meeting in your area monthly.
We need you in the fight.
Quick Links
About Us
We develop and support leaders.
2022 Michael J. Baker Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations to The 2022 Michael J. Baker Scholarship Recipients Congratulations to both of you. We wish you much success! *Announcements will be made when scholarships are open again*Mikayla Jackson Attends Langston University - Langston, OklahomaAlia Peeples...
First Black Police Chief in Johnson County, KS
Congratulations to Prairie Village PD Chief Byron Roberson: First Black Police Chief in Johnson County, KSThe Johnson County NAACP would like to thank Chief Byron Roberson for his 26 years of service in the Prairie Village Police Department and congratulate him on his...
Black Trauma, Black Triumph
View Dr. George William's piece from the program titled, "Black Trauma, Black Triumph." Dr. Williams is the President of STAND-Up for Black Lives+ Prairie Village. An organization that formed in the summer of 2020 after the tragic murder of George Floyd. This is a...
Join this multigenerational network of activists.